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郭建国,中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所副研究员。2015年进入医科院动研所工作至今。招生专业:微生物学;主要研究领域及方向:环境暴露与慢性呼吸系统疾病的关系,包括慢性呼吸系统疾病动物模型的构建、机制的探索和疾病的干预;具有构建肺炎克雷伯杆菌、肺炎链球菌、小鼠肺炎病毒、艰难梭菌的感染模型的经验,目前,主持十四五国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目4项,参与国家重点研发计划、科技部支撑计划等4项。发表SCI论文50余篇,主要研究成果发表于Environment International、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等期刊,主持和参与团体标准5项。国家科技专家库成员,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,北京市科学技术委员会专家,北京市高新技术企业评审专家。《Animal Models and Experimental Medicine》编委,中国实验动物学会无菌动物委员会委员。
1. Zhou, L.; Song, C.; Zhao, L.; Guo, Z.; Lei, Y.; Han, Y.; Gao, K.; Xu, Y.; Xiang, Z.; Li, B.; Guo, J., Impact of variations in airborne microbiota on pneumonia infection: An exploratory study. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2025, 291, 117795.
2. Zhou, L.; Song, C.; Lei, Y.; Zhao, L.; Han, Y.; Xu, Y.; Li, B.; Guo, J., Health Impacts of PM(2.5) Emissions from Brake Pad Wear: A Comprehensive Study on Pulmonary, Metabolic, and Microbiota Alterations. Toxicology 2025, 154055.
3. Zhou, L.; Song, C.; Yang, H.; Zhao, L.; Li, X.; Sun, X.; Gao, K.; Guo, J., Behavioral and multiomics analysis of 3D clinostat simulated microgravity effect in mice focusing on the central nervous system. Sci Rep 2025, 15, (1), 5731.
4. Zhao, L.; Li, B.; Zhou, L.; Song, C.; Kang, T.; Xu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Han, Y.; Zhao, W.; Jia, H.; Zhang, B.; Guo, J., PM(2.5) exposure promotes asthma in aged Brown-Norway rats: Implication of multiomics analysis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2023, 263, 115393.
5. Guo, J.; Zhang, B.; Xiong, Y.; Kang, T.; Han, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhao, W.; Yu, P.; Zhang, L.; Song, C.; Zhao, L.; Xu, D., The temporal characteristics of the disruption of gut microbiota, serum metabolome, and cytokines by silica exposure in wistar rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2023, 252, 114580.
6. Song, C.; Kang, T.; Gao, K.; Shi, X.; Zhang, M.; Zhao, L.; Zhou, L.; Guo, J., Preparation for mice spaceflight: Indications for training C57BL/6J mice to adapt to microgravity effect with three-dimensional clinostat on the ground. Heliyon 2023, 9, (9), e19355.
7. Guo, J.; Song, C.; Liu, Y.; Wu, X.; Dong, W.; Zhu, H.; Xiang, Z.; Qin, C., Characteristics of gut microbiota in representative mice strains: Implications for biological research. Animal models and experimental medicine 2022, 5, (4), 337-349.
8. Guo, J.; Xiong, Y.; Kang, T.; Zhu, H.; Yang, Q.; Qin, C., Effect of formaldehyde exposure on bacterial communities in simulating indoor environments. Sci Rep-Uk 2021, 11, (1).
9. Guo, J. G.; Kong, Q.; Liu, C.; Kang, T. S.; Qin, C., Evaluating the Health Risks of Pneumonia from Airborne Bacterial Communities Using 16S rDNA Sequences of Pneumonia-related Pathogens. Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES 2021, 34, (4), 265-271.
10. Guo, J.; Tang, J.; Kang, T.; Xiong, Y.; Xiang, Z.; Qin, C., Different immunization methods lead to altered gut flora and varied responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice. Journal of infection in developing countries 2020, 14, (10), 1170-1177.
11. Guo, J.; Xiong, Y.; Kang, T.; Xiang, Z.; Qin, C., Bacterial community analysis of floor dust and HEPA filters in air purifiers used in office rooms in ILAS, Beijing. Sci Rep-Uk 2020, 10, (1), 6417.
12. Guo, J.; Xiong, Y.; Shi, C.; Liu, C.; Li, H.; Qian, H.; Sun, Z.; Qin, C., Characteristics of airborne bacterial communities in indoor and outdoor environments during continuous haze events in Beijing: Implications for health care. Environ Int 2020, 139, 105721.